Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Paynes Praire - Dike Trail Be Vewy Vewy Quiet

A four mile hike into the praire was somewhat rewarding today.  We were within 150' of three bison and one wild horse. The highlights of the day however was the armadillo, a Grey Kingbird, and a Blue Heron.  The Heron landed in a tree about 75' from us which caused about 25 frogs to jump in the water. Another 25 repeated this action when the frustrated heron decided to leave. Later, from the 50' observation tower, we were able to spot four wild horses, several buffalo, several Sandhill Cranes, and a herd of wild cattle which inhabit the preserve.  Most of these were 1/2 to 1 mile away so our 10x50 Bushnells came in handy. 

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