Thursday, November 11, 2010

Louisville Kentucky

After seven weeks at home, it is time to hit the road again.  Our first stop is Louisville to see the local sights.  We are at Grandma's RV park about 20 mile south of town. The first stop of the day was The Falls of the Ohio State Park.  This riparian park consists of the remains of the Ohio River falls where the river dropped 26 feet in 2 miles.  A major issue for early settlers, the rapids are now segregated into three parts. The first part is the old river which during low water times , like today, exposes a Devonian reef which is covered with fossilized remains of a 387 million year old seabed. This is a pretty neat place, if you like rocks. Fossils like this tusk coral have survived millions of years, plus four ice ages and a raging river.

The second section of the river is the hydroelectric plant which was not accessible. The third section, McAlpine Locks, are the two ,1200', locks which allow the barges to navigate the 26' drop.

The last stop of the day was Bernheim Forest, a 14,000 acre arboretum preserved by the Bernheim whiskey fortune.  A little late in the season, but the nature center with a green roof, the canopy tree walk, and the hilly wooded preserve in general is a nice place to visit on one of the last days of fall.

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