Friday, November 12, 2010

Mammoth Cave

Today was a short 60 mile drive to Cave Country RV Park in Cave City Kentucky. We changed time zones so we arrived about the same time we left Shepardsville, almost a time machine. At Mammoth Cave we took the New Entrance tour which is a vertical stairs first opened in the 1920s.  It's an interesting entrance compared to the gradual historic entrance.  Once down several hundred feet, it is the typical Mammoth limestone hole in the ground.  After a 3/4 mile walk we exited through Frozen Niagra. Mammoth is always interesting especially since it has probably been 20+ years since our last visit.

The other major event of interest today was the Green River Ferry.  This is becoming rare in the USA and made a nostalgic addition to the day, a definite must see. The road sign is also a classic.

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